Day 85; July 22 -- Tok to Cottonwood RV Park

What a long, long, bumpy ride.  We left at 9:48am this morning.  We drove over bump and dell.  Usually around 25-40 mph.

Last night I tried to drown myself.  Somehow I got tangled up in the tube to my C-Pat, turned it over, it was blowing water into my mask, woke me up, I yanked it off huffing and puffing, then it was blowing water all over the bed, Driver woke up to inform me it was raining on him, finally turned it over and turned it off, had to take the bedding off, and start all over again.........

We now are back in Canada.  The Yukon Territory.
The Alaskan side was bad; but we hit mostly gravel and construction on the Canadian side.  Gary said the Canadians did this on purpose so that we had to stay and spend more money in their country.

This was an usual sight, we had a flag dog.  It acted like a sheep dog herding his cars.  He even had on his green reflective vest.

We got to the Cottonwood RV park around 6:00pm PT.  We have now gained an hour back.  Can you believe that this is the view from our camper?  We were actually about 3-4 feet from the shore line.  Can you believe I was stupid enough to sit in the camper and work on this blog?  I had a horrible time.  The internet connection was poor.  It took over 13 minutes to upload pictures.  I was loading 11 pictures while the Driver (he insists that you know he not only has to drive; but he has to cook now too!) fixed chili dogs.  Somehow after 7 pictures, I either accidentally hit the wrong key or the internet went down and I had to start over.  I even went outside and sit on the porch of the office to try to get a better connection.  Not!  Anyway, three pictures is all you get today. It is 64 degrees in the camper and 60 under the belly.  Because the electricity here is produced by a generator, you only have 15 amps of power.  It is worth it though for the the view.

Coffee is done and I need to check out the lake this morning.  Stay cool and say your prayers.

 The road from Cottonwood RV Park was mostly gravel; but in very good shape.  It then turned into pavement.  We were able to make pretty good time.

This is the Canadian Customs.  We are getting good at this!

 Fake police car.  Made from plywood.  Sure makes people slow down though!

This is a view from our camp site from the other direction.  I will have to vote this one to number one for beauty.  The hookups were iffy, but with a view like this, who needs hookups?


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