Day 42; June 8 - Alberta and BC - Miserable

Well, to being with, we are confused on which day of the week it is.  We thought it was Tuesday--clock and computer tells us it Thursday.  I knew we drove a long, long way yesterday; but didn't think it was for two real days.

We left St. Mary, MT around 9:30am MT.  Weather was rainy.  Driver had to pack up things in the rain with a big frown on his little face.  He was throwing things into the camper, I was wiping them down and putting them away.  Should have just left them all over the floor--that is a different story.

Customs Entering into Canada.  You need passports, dog health certificate, and car registration.

 Canada is pretty.  Clean, flat farm grounds greeted us upon entry.

Ft. McClead

Historical Fort McClead

Entering Claresholm - see elevator on left.

Upclose Claresholm

Stavley, Alberta

Nanton, AL

Happy Barn!  I missed the smile under the nose.

Downtown Calvery - Largest city in Alberta and here we are!  
Should have taken a different route!

Baff National Parks Strip - $19.80 to travel these 200+ Miles.

This was a good strip of new road.    This was the first mini tunnels that we saw.  As we traveled along this four lane highway we saw several more.  There was new fencing along the forest sides.  We finally figured out these little natural bridges were for the animal to be able to cross the highway.  Thee fences kept them off the roads and the bridges allowed them to roam naturally.  Treated better than some of our people!

National Parks were beautiful.  Mile after Mile!

Canada has snow too.

Leaving Park Systems.

Sun finally coming out and dusk.

Missed the Entering British Columbia sign.  Got the goat though!

Finally at 10:30pm Central Time.  Too late for our Skype call.  Road was a little bumpy putting it mildly.  Driver decided he might have to go slower today.  We found a campground that has electricity.  The applicances had fallen out again and totally shaattered the crock pot.  My new computer cubes had totally come apart from their shelves.  Poor tired driver had to reinforce them and try to put them back together.  My printer (my fault) was broken.  The paper tray broke from the body.  We are learning.....hopefully.....tie straps are our best friends.  Headed to Dawson Creek today.  I checked---they have private campgrounds.


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