Sunday--January 29, 2012--Breakfast at Seguin

Because I was out of milk and didn't want to eat my cereal dry, we decided to run into town and have breakfast at IHOP.  I had the 2x2x2.....2 eggs, 2 bacon, and 2 pancakes.  I gave my bacon to Gary because it was a flavor I didn't care for and I had plenty to eat anyway.

Horse Pasture in our back yard.
Picture was taken from the back window of trailer.
 After breakfast we went to Home Depot for Gary to drool over the air compressor and guns that he has added to his want list.  He thought we needed exercise so up one isle and down another we went.

After he was wore out and had seen everything in the store, we drove down some different streets in Seguin.  We found the theater where some music will be Saturday night.  It would have been perfect if Amber Digsby was coming.
Texas Theater.....we hope to attend Saturday night.

Another Old Elevator

Artwork above this building.
They must have been caught or ran out of paint.
We went to Wal-Mart and bought more groceries and "stuff".  MK says you can't have too much "stuff".  We watched a movie and then went for a walk around the park and down to the highway.  I didn't even take a nap today.  I'm reading a good book by an author from Fulton, Missouri.

Well, the coffee is done and I better get ready for another exciting day of retired life.


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