12-15-14 Driving Around Town, Around and Around

Boy did I mess up today.  Forgot my camera and had to take pictures with my phone.  Gary wanted to drive around town.  202 to 101 to 10 to ??????

So here we go!

As always we got hungry.  We stop at Fry's Grocery store to check out the candy supply.  I've been looking for bulk candy like I was used to finding.  I did find it.  Not like home.  But in candy bins with shovels to serve yourself.  I wasn't smart enough to put the label on my bag with the stock number, so Gary had to go finish my job.

On the way into the store, I found this beautiful purple for Donna.  Just for you sis.

Then we drove and drove and ended up at the horse racing.  It was fun.  We stayed for two.  We put $2.00 on the last race (minimum).  #7 was our horse.  He jumped straight out of the shut and was a horse length ahead until the home stretch and bless his old tired heart, he came in last.  Gary chuckled all the way to the truck.

Next our goal for the day was the Phoenix state capital.  We had to drive around twice to finally get a front picture.

Next was the Arizona State Stadium where the Superbowl will be held.  Bertha II took us to the stadium where the Cubs (maybe) have their spring training.  We will have to try again another day.  GraMa was getting tired and driving in 4-6 lanes of traffic with a 60+ year old man driving puts me on pins and needles.

The last picture was of the downtown Phoenix area.  This is a nice place to stay for the winter.  Miss my family and friends more this time.  I think it is because I feel better.  My mind and heart want to go; but my knees have a different plan.  Merry Christmas!  Finish your shopping and enjoy the season.


Donna said…
Like the plant, so glad you were thinking about me. Oh, since you are missing us, Barry said he would pick you up at the airport!!!

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