May 11, 2011 at Custer State Park

Heartland RV Park; Hermosia SD

We left our campground after lunch of Slim Fast and Peanut Butter Sandwiches.  Our goal for today was to drive through Custer State Park.

We found our destination and found just about all the wild animals that was promised in the brochure.

Lazy Deer
Buffalo Herds
Wild Burros

The Other Kind of Deer (Forked Horn) 
Mountain Sheep
As we were travelling through the mountains, we saw some really beautiful scenery.  I would rate it just about close to the Rocky Mountain State Park.   We went through three tunnels along the Needle Eye Road.
Narrow Tunnel

Shut My Eyes!  Here is another one.

Mirrows Just About Did't Make It

Poor Ole Crazy Horse Isn't Progressing Much Since Rob was 3.

The temperature is a little chilly.  Once we got this picture of the 40's; shortly after that it dropped into the 30's--don't know if that was outside or inside.  A clerk in a gift shop had just asked Gary if I was his daughter!  (I told him Mary Kay wonders why the old men try to pick me up.  Must be my beautiful brown eyes!  Ha!)

I really like this picture.  It shows the temperature and I caught Gary in the mirror too.

Chaney is watching Calvin (2nd Base) practice for his new career.
It was 98 degrees.  Think we will stay here!


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