Day 30; May 27 - Shop and Go
We hung out at the camper in the morning. I did two loads of laundry and replaced Gary's John Deere cap.
At 1:00pm we headed down to Webster Chevrolet for the appointment. It wasn't too bad. Some sensor in the transmission had gone bad. It told it what gear it was suppose to be driving. It took over two hours that about cost me a new truck.
If anyone is looking for a good used truck, here it is! This is a 2008 with only 17,000 miles. It was owned by a handicapped veteran that trades every 2-3 years. He has the bed removed and a special box put on the back for his special needs. When he trades, they put the bed back on and the special box on his new truck. Gary was sure tempted to upgrade!
Storm coming out of the mountains again. Better head to Wal-Marts and settle in for a little country reunion and baseball!
This was kind of an interesting moment. When we returned back to the campground for the evening, we had a new neighbor with a camper/truck that looked just like Chester's. Gary said "Looks like Dad is here!". (Same old camper and a red and white truck!)
Gary visited with this man later on in the evening. He said he sounded Australian and was a travelling sheep-shearer. Gary offered my help!