Day 29; May 26 - Wild Mustang Hunt

What a day!  Our day started out with us getting into the truck!  Prissy acting like an idiot and then the first stop sign Gary noticed that his light wasn't  working on the dash indicating which gear he had selected.  So, he took "big mouth" and me back to the camper and he went to the Chevrolet dealer.  Wasn't gone long--came back to tell us he an appointment on Friday at 1:00pm and it should not hurt it to drive.  So we loaded up again except we left "big mouth" at home and headed up north on the Wyoming/Montana border.

We found two old wooden elevators in Powell, WY.  Ate lunch at McDonalds.  Tried to find a part for the closet that my "big butt" broke.  It is springtime in the Rockies.  What a beautiful day.  I ended up taking 40 pictures.  Enjoy this flowering tree below!
 We stopped at the canyon lookout on the way through the Wild Mustang park.  It was amazing.  Different colored rock layers.  Funny old man in the ugly hat.  I tried to explain that you get way you pay for, he agreed and then I told him that hat was a free one that Jason had given him.  Don't be surprised if he can't find it the next time!

I love flowers!  You just can't imagine how small  this little clump of green was and then to have these flowers blooming.  I was on zoom.  I wanted to try to save some for my gardens at home!  I didn't.  Too long of a trip.

 On the far west side of the park, there is a historic ranch.  It had the old fashion split rain fences around it.

Finally!  I spotted my first wild horse shortly after I had told Gary I was not going home until I found some.  I spotted this little beauty clear across the bottom.  I got my "big butt" out of the truck, braved up, and walked very carefully across this sage covered bottom.  It was hard to keep track of the horse and watch my feet to make sure I was not stepping on any snakes.  I was pretty brave for a scary cat! 
 We spotted three more on the side of the mountain as we were heading home.  I took pictures of them; but they looked like the "I saw a bear photo".  We found four more just before leaving the park entrance.  They are really pretty.

Momma and Baby Beauties

This one wanted to get in the truck with me!

Had to drive around some more to empty the tank, so we could get a bargain!



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