Day 31; May 28 - South Fork Road

I got up expecting a slow day; but Gary decided to go for a short drive.  We went north and viewed the Newton Lakes.  Pretty.  A lot of locals were on the road ready to fish.  Must have know where a good place to hang their hooks.

 We came home and had a lunch of chips and dip.  He wanted to go for a walk.  I went along.  Of course, we had to pass the DQ and I had enough room left for a Pecan Cluster Blizzard.  As we were walking back a camper was leaving with one of their doors open; therefore, Mr. Nice Guy stopped them and got to talking.  He recommended that we go down South Fork Road.  It is known for its wild life.  So I gobbled my ice cream and we hit the roads again.  This is Castle Rock.  Interesting rock stuck in the middle of no where.

 We saw deer everywhere, moose grazing with cows, elk think this is their land.

 Mountain Sheep (see their curly horns).

 The other kind of deer!  (Forked?) with some sheep.
 Crossed a bridge in the bottom.  Beautiful!


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