December 6, 2012--A Whole Different Path

Thursday evening (November 29, 2012) I found a lump on my right breast.  No matter how much pretending, it wouldn't go away.  The next morning I woke up and thought maybe I had a bad dream.  Nope, the lump remained.  I called the Onaga Clinic and made an appointment for that morning.  The doctor examined me and made an appointment for Monday morning while the Manhattan Radiology team was on staff.  They did a sonogram and didn't like the shape and appearance so I was scheduled to go to Manhattan on Tuesday morning to have a biopsy.  That procedure took about two hours.  They tried to drain the mass but there was no fluid.  The tech made the comment that it was not a typical cyst.  I didn't want to watch so I had them to cover my head with a towel.  I got hot and uncovered my eyes and was able to see the sonogram screen.  They then took samples with a large needle that sounded like a drill with a vacuum on it.  We finished that and headed back to Onaga to wait for the results on Thursday.

Wednesday, December 5, I was sitting playing on the computer when the phone rang and it was the clinic saying my results had arrived.  An appointment was made for later at 4pm.  Gary and I both did not think this was a good sign.  Miss Michelle confirmed that I had breast cancer and made arrangements for me to go to Topeka on Monday, December 10, with Dr. Berstein.  I'm so grateful that I have a formal student of OHS that cares and takes care of me.  She is a jewel.

How am I feeling?  Better now.  At first I sat in a daze.  I had been trying not to think too much about things and am telling myself that I am taking one day at a time.  I'm not sure it has all registered.  It is a pretty helpless feeling.  I thought I had better call my family and friends.  I started with my oldest son Jason and found that this was going to be a difficult job.  I took the chicken way out and emailed the remaining people.

How is this affecting our lives already?  We took our home off the market.  We cancelled our winter trip south.  I bought a new red car to cheer me up and have a more economical ride to Topeka for treatment.

How do I want you to treat me?   Please no differently.  I am still the goofy old lady that usually has my foot in my mouth.    I must say that I received encouraging messages from my friends and family.  I'm really lucky to be loved by so many people.  Thank you.


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