Day 108; August 13 -- Elko, NV to Salt Lake City, UT

The driver was up and raring to go this morning.  I was sitting in my chair drinking my first cup of coffee and he stuck his head in the door and asked if I was ready for him to unhook things.....guess I wasn't.

We are leaving Elko and heading across the desert.  It looks like water?  are your thirsty?

More sand?

Ahh, one more state closer to home!

Driver tells me and dumb me will believe anything----this is the Salt Flats.

Wow!  sometimes I amaze myself.  I have better luck taking picutes by just sticking the camera out the window and pushing the shutter.  Pretty clouds!

Whoops!  Didn't do as well on this one....I was trying to get the salt refinery, clear to the left.  I'll blame it on the driver going too fast.

This is our campground in Salt Lake City.  We are at the KOA and we are taking advantage of stay one and get one free.  You know me, I like a bargain!

Just found out that NaNa passed away tonight.  Sad day.  (Mom's oldest sister--Gary calls me "Little Nell".  We both are spoiled.)


Anonymous said…
Hi Aunt Sandra/Uncle Gary,
A lot of nice pics in here, haven't made it through all of them. Looks like ya'll are heading in the general direction of home now. Give us a call when you make it, and we can get together.
Chawee, Neal & Maxx

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