Day 56; June 22 - Tok to Chicken

We got up to rain again.  We ate breakfast at the Sourdough Cafe.  We had Reindeer Sausage, Sourdough Pancakes (hope they weren't the ones they were throwing last night), Sausage Gravy/Biscuit, Fruit, Coffee or Juice.  We then packed up and headed north to Chicken, Alaska.   Boss does the inside packing and driver does the outside.

 Sourdough Campground in Tok, Alaska
 This RV was pulling an airplane.  This was a new sight.  The wings were off and placed along the length of the plane on the trailer.
 As we were going up the Taylor Highway toward Chicken we passed an emergency sign that said a tow truck was ahead.  This is what was left of a camper.  It was in pieces.  We had been hearing that a lot of campers hit the dust along this highway if the driver is careless and lets the camper get into the soft shoulder and then the camper gets pulled over into the ditch/mountain.  Good thing I have a good driver.
 City Limit sign to Chicken.  It has been painted and stickers added.
 I usually get out and make the reservations.  It was pouring and the parking lot was a big mud puddle.  So, I thought the driver would be a good choice for this job today.
 This campground has a lot of antique mining equipment displayed.

We had chicken noodle soup for lunch.  I wasn't feeling up to par, so I took a nap.  Driver said he was beginning to worry about me as I was asleep for three hours.  He had been out and sit on the porch of the gift shop watching the traffic come and go.  We had salmon patties, fried tators and onions, and green beans for dinner.  Afterwards, I baked six chocolate chip cookies and we had a bowl of ice cream to settle down and watch old Bonanza movies.  We didn't have TV service here either.  Tomorrow we are headed over The Top of the World Highway into Canada again to the gold mining town of Dawson City.  We have to watch our clocks as the border control closes its gates at a certain time and we don't want to go all the way around the mountain again.

Love to all!


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