Day 48: June 14 - Flag Day

Gary wouldn't let me fly my flag.  Of course, I don't have it here either.  We didn't do anything yesterday--oh, the driver did wash the camper and the birds next door marked their spots.

We went to a little place called "The Bargain Shop".  Kind of like our Dollar General.  Driver bought a gunny thing to put on the end of a hose to rinse his bubbles off.

The AW Rootbeer Stands seems to be the restaurant of choice around here.  Driver wanted to try it.  We ordered combo hamburger MaMa Burgers, with fries and I had a Root Beer Float and he had a plain old Root Beer.  $21.51--McDonalds here we come!  They didn't put his root beer in a frosty mug and no ice was served either.  My float had a hunk of debatable ice cream glob of 1 inch by 3 inches floating on the top.  I thought it tasted pretty good!

We were going to build our first fire and cook hot dogs and smores; but it rained again.

Our little quiet park (except for the drunks coming in late) filled up last night.  We have campers all around us!

Maybe I'll have some pictures to share tomorrow.  The Visitor's Center said to get ready that we would see a lot of wild animals.


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