Day 40; June 6 - She's Coming Around the Mountain

We are really having a hard time visiting the national parks.  We found out after we had booked our 3-night stay at the KOA that the main pass in Glacier Park was still snowed over.  We could only go up the road around 10-13 miles from both sides.  As we headed up the East entrance, even before we got to the main gates, there was a large, healthy, black bear grazing along the the road.

 He was not afraid of us.  Prissy was quiet.  I was really excited.  I had gotten to the point that I had told myself that if I was ever to see a bear it was going to have to jump in my lap.  This was pretty close!

We went as far as possible and turned around.
 Avalanche Damage.  It just strips the trees out of the ground.  What a mess!

This is all the pictures we have for the day.  The battery in my camera went dead.  We spent the entire day driving around the park to the west side. We went into the park from the southern entrance and west entrance.  We got to see the entire park except for the section of road that was still closed with snow and mud slides.  Gary said that he remembered correctly from his childhood, this was the prettiest part of the park.  We drove into the town of Kallispell.  We had dinner at Sizzler.  Pretty good.  We then stopped at Wal-Marts and try to get a few more groceries to prepare for our trip through Canada tomorrrow and a new camera battery.  It started raining while we were eating and rained the entire night.  We got home just as the sun and fog were coming down.

Driver was upset with himself.  Somewhere along the way, he lost his winter coat.  He might get chilly up in Alaska?  I'm sure it was my fault!


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