Day 43; June 9 - McBride to Dawson Creek

Let me see!  One day is running into another.  Thank goodness we are in Dawson Creek for three days.  I need to recharge my batteries and get my barrings.

These are pictures of a family owned campground at McBride BC.  The one we finally found with electricity.  Always a mountain view so far.  Gorgeous country.  People talk funny and have different customs.  I'm trying to take Gary's "bottle" away.  When I went into McDonalds in the afternoon to get his sweat tea, they had a puzzled look and tried to give me hot tea.  The first time the clerk says, "What is sweat tea?" and the lady next to me says, "I want to know too, what is sweat tea?"  So, I tried to explain and he shows me four boxes of tea bags.  I could have had raspberry, black, green, or peppermint.  Gary had a Diet Coke.  So, hopefully I can find tea bags in the grocery store when it is time to refill my canister.

 On the way to Prince George, we saw two moose and a mother black bear and her two cubs.  Gary turned around and went back so we could get pictures.  This is no easy feat for a truck and 30 foot trailer.  They had moved into the woods so we couldn't get proof.  A little further down the road we saw a single black bear grazing.  No picture either.  When you are traveling at 60-70 miles per hour, now you see it and now you don't!

In Prince George, "Bertha the GPS Lady" sent us through downtown.  We saw lines of homeless waiting at the church for lunch.  I took the picture across the street of the art work painted on the building.
 OK, as we were driving from Prince George to Dawson Creek, this black bear crossed the road in front of me, I tried to get my camera ready.  This makes two moose and 5 bear we have seen so far.

 I tried to get a picture of this forest.  The different shades of green with the sun shining on them got my artist eye.

 On Hwy 97 to Dawson Creek we went through several miles of road construction.  Some were repairing slide damage.
 Evening is coming again.  But I know there are four campgrounds ahead with electricity and WiFi.  This is a picture of Peace Valley.  We are entering farm land and pasture again.

Dawson Creek Here We Come!

Another day has passed.  We are settled in for a few days.  We saw a total of four moose, eight black bear, one lonely fox, and a million mosquitoes today.  Daddy is home from the nursing home.  Mary Kay is another year older and working on the next.  (MK--I have the card and will try to mail it today!  My thoughts were with you.  Did you feel them?)


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