Just a little bit of what we have been doing!

My mom's cousin, Fern Wilkerson, has been on my mind.  She was a super calm lady.  Never saw her angry and she was always cooking.  One of my favorites (besides the rolls and cow butter) is Poor Man Cake from the depression.  I had been in touch with Dorothy Jean, but had not gotten the original recipe so I tried to bake from memory.  MISTAKE.  Ate it anyway.

 If you know my health history, you know I have neuropathy.   I don't have very good balance.
When I walk, my feet become so sore the next day is miserable.  Anyway, I just was eating and sitting and getting wider each day.  I saw one of these in the campground and decided I needed one.
I love it.  I have freedom.

This is poor Gary putting it together.  Thank goodness I have him in my life.


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