February 29, 2012--Leap to the Bay

We choose a trip to the bay for our road trip.  We headed south/east on Hwy 111 and then took Hwy 172.  We drove south and ended up by the ocean.  I took 23 pictures, but I will not burden you with them all.

Oil Refinery, Oil Refinery, Oil Refinery........

Bay of Monaco (?)

 We took this bridge over the Gulf.  You could see the Holiday Inn and Motel 6.

I want to stay here next time.  The weather was great.  Warm. but not humid, breezy and just look at the clouds and trees.  You could stay in this park from October to March for $360 per month.

We actually got out of the truck and walked out over the wetlands.  (Even after reading the "Don't Feed the Alligators" sign.)

As I was walking along, I saw a lot of movement in the muddy water.  Got to looking, and no there was not an alligator in site; but these crabby looking varmints were all over the place and running into little holes.  (March 7 Update:  Debra (Roberta's daughter informed me that an alligator saw us!  Look at the top left corn, see its eyes!)  I would have still been running!

See the walkway wrapping along the edge of the wetlands.  We actually walked all the way around.  I enjoyed it.

Lonely Little Crane Looking for Love in all the Wrong Places

We actually found an old elevator.  I saw a cotton plant that had been missed by the pickers with big balls of cotton bursting from the stalks.  It was a nice drive and we got home by 4:00pm.


Debra said…
Hey it's Roberta's daughter Debra! I just wanted to point out that there's an alligator looking right at you in that picture of the crabs! Look in the water, towards the top left and you can see both of his eyes. LOL...you are lucky he left you alone! hahaha

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