February 21, 2012--Not Much New In Texas

We haven't been doing much to write about.
Sunday we went for breakfast and to buy groceries.  We stopped at Home Depot to get Gary's birthday gift of an air compressor with three guns.  We looked at single-wide modular homes.  Then to Wal-Mart we went.

We did decide to buy a kitchen cart.  I was finding that I didn't have much counter space and it really seems to help.  It has a butcher top that I just rolled dough and made banana and coconut pies. It has a drop shelf on one end and a towel rack on the other.  I moved my baking pans into the storage area.  The storage under the stove was proving to be a black hole that things got lost.  So, the handyman built me a shelf with a basket that slides in and out so I can find things.

Sign in the Court House Yard
(Heard on a talk show the other day that Texas is the second pecan state.)
*Georgia was #1*

Monday Prissy and I had our hair done.  I worked on the quilt.

Today, Tuesday we did laundry.  I also worked on the quilt.  I just learned that Coach Rosenfield passed this morning.

I finished the quilt and will start cutting out the squares for the new baby's quilt.

Tomorrow is sightseeing day.


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