February 15, 2012--San Antonio

You can tell how much we enjoy a trip by the number of pictures we take (50+).  First thing the hillibillies had to do was find a parking place and figure out how to pay for it.
 We were only a few blocks from The Alamo.  The missions were impressive and the garden area around The Alamo was beautiful.  The Daughters of the Alamo are credited with its preservation.

 We decided to take a tour of the city.  In the past this is the best way for us to find out what is available and the history behind things.  I took a lot of pictures of wonderful old buildings that had decor that the modern day civilization should try to copy.

Space Needle that was created for the World's Fair

 I believe there are five missions built along the San Antonio river.  Three were moved from other locations because of the raids upon them.
San Antonio Dome
(Built in hopes of a NFL Team  locating here.)

Flood Control built after downtown was under seven feet of water.

Guether Flour Mill
(Built by a German Immigrant Family)

I took several pictures of the grand ole homes built upon civilization that have been restored to their grand beauty.

Can you believe I saw my first iris of spring?  The gardens in this area are lush.  I love flowers.

The legend behind the Rose Window is that the mason was in love with Rosa and persuaded her to cross the sea from Spain and her ship went down.  He went into mourning and finally started working on the window one evening about sundown and completed it by the next morning.  The Catholics would give communion from the window to the Mission families until they had jumped through all the hoops and were allowed into the church.  (Catholic  friends:  what do you call these stages?)

Top of The San Jaun Mission

This is the front view and the ornate detail on the front is the original design that has been kept in repair through the years.  I wish I could remember the saints on the top section.  But on the lower section is Mary's mother with baby Mary in her arms and on the left was Mary's father with a book in his left arm.  Not long ago a little boy was climbing on the decorations and broke his arm.  It had jsut repaired in the last two months and we were some of the first to see it back to normal.

We actually saw a lot of history today and I enjoyed it a lot.


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