Sunday--January 22, 2012

We woke up to a dreary foggy day.  It was chilly.  We actually took a complete "off" day.
Camp Site 9 at the Four Winds RV Park; Taylor, TX

This is how I would like my new cabin to look like!
(Maybe not so tall.)

Laundry Building

Multi-Purpose Building
Work on your Motor While the Laundry is Spinning

I guess this is for us old ladies.
When we got to go, we got to go!
After lunch, the sun came out with the wind and it got down right warm.  Had to start taking off the layers.  I went to the laundry building and did two loads of laundry.

We had another round of Mexican Chili,  It was better than yesterday.
Sunday night brings popcorn and Pepsi.
Football; no Fox channel here so we missed the second game.

Like it here.  Might stay another week if the electric bill is not too high.
Rain in the forecast for the next two days.  Maybe even two inches.  Good thing we are on a hill.

I want to post a picture of my Onaga friends.
Carol, Susan, Sissy, and Mary Kay
My friends went to dinner and to see "Joyful Noise".  I don't feel too left out because Roberta and I went to see the same movie and enjoyed it.  Nice to have friends (I might have to make some new ones!)

Also, I heard on Hee Haw that they were going to Fishhook.  The other comedian asked where that was and the comment was "at the end of the line".  Found that to be an odd coincidence...Deb lives in Fishhook.

Also, Rob will enjoy this......On "Two and Half Men", Allan was taking a picture of himself to put on the internet and he made the comment of one shot that he had more "Chins" than a Chinese Phone book.  I know how he feels.  I keep getting more......When Rob was little he would count my chins much to my dismay.


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