Crigler Christmas Pictures From Aunt Deb

We celebrated the birth of Christ with the Crigler family on New Year's Eve.....

Mike and Angie Became Engaged
Donna is getting a tickle watching me fry chicken.  Aunt Dorothy made the comment on the way home that  she could feel Mom watching us cook and that she was sure proud of us girls!
These are the little Elves of Crigler Christmas.
Sam Stevens, Kaylen and Braden Dougherty, Katherine Stevens,
Macy  Quinn, and Smiling Max Dougherty
"Cutest Darn Kids"
Oh, MEN Hard at Work...Josh, Barry, Gary, and Jerry
This is our Daddy and Ruthie.  Thankful to have another Christmas with them.

Thanks Deb for sharing your pictures and thanks Donna for sharing your new home.


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