January 3, 2012

Today we got up around 8:30am.  Gary had been up babysitting the furnace all night and was slamming doors to get me awake.  I was pooped and was snoozing good.

We went into Kevin's house and Kent was already there and ready to begin painting the kitchen,  Kent and Gary rolled and I trimmed.

Gary Hard at Work

Kevin Finishing Up My Job!
I just about forgot that I was supposed to be taking pictures for these daily updates.  Sorry, Kent you were gone when I got my mind working.......

After we were done, Kevin went into action and put everything away and took us all to Huntsville to Don's Restaurant.  It was really good.  Fried Chicken, Smothered Pork Cutlets, Liver and Onions were on the buffet.  No one went away hungry.

We came home and found the furnace running and the camper toasty warm.....go figure.

The Suburban Factory did call and tell Gary they were sending Beilsteins a new furnace that should arrive around Friday.


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