August 6 2012 - Railroad at Royal Gorge

PaPa Bear with all his cubs under control heading to the train after we picked up our tickets

Chaney and Mary are spell bound.  They were really good and enjoyed the ride both inside with me and outside in the observation car with Papa and the older kids.

PaPa and Jessie are worried about our tickets.  They seated two children at another section than two adults and two children.  Calvin is thinking "what is the big deal?"  It worked out just fine, the seats were right across from each other.
 This is the Arkansas River.  The train stopped for several minutes at the end of our line.
 On the way back, the train stopped so the passengers could view the bridge at the top of the Gorge.  It looks pretty small from down below.
 After our "come to Jesus" talk with the kids,  things are going a lot smoother.  We assigned pairs of Calvin and Mary and Jessie and Chaney.  We figured Chaney would listen to Jessie better.  Here is "big brother" Calvin helping Mary get her seat belt buckled after we stopped at KFC for lunch before we returned to the campground.  Tonight Mary was playing and fell and skinned her knees.  Calvin ran into the house and got a wet wash cloth and even had ice in it for her clean up.  Funny thing, his hands were black from searching for silver in the hills.  He is taking his big brother job seriously.  Mary was climbing on the rocks and he came running over to tell her to get down before she fell flat on her face or flipped over on her back.  It was kind of funny!

 On the way home everyone was pooped.  Jessie and I were the only ones to stay awake.  We had a wiener roast and smores for supper.  We even made Crystal Light Pink Lemonade.  Better get rested, we have a busy day at the zoo tomorrow. 


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