August 2012 - Middle-of-the Week Activities

When I uploaded my pictures, I found some extra ones that I had taken throughout the past week.  Here are some rainbow trout that the driver/fisherman brought home for dinner.  I was apprehensive about cooking them but found a recipe on the internet.  They were actually not bad.  I'm not a fish lady (I like mine at Long John Silvers).

One day Gary asked if I would like to go on a short drive.  Why sure, why not?  Prissy and I put our lives into his hands and the short drive ended up over four hours and the route got so bad that we had to turn around again.  The picture below shows how narrow the path got.  Pretty soon we found ourselves going around a mountain that you had to choose to hug the drop off or put your truck into the boulder sticking out of the mountain.  I would have taken a picture but Priss and I were hanging on and probably had our eyes shut.
 We did pass an old log cabin and a modern teepee.  I just love the history out here.  Reminds you of the old cowboys and Indians.


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