LBJ Ranch

Let me see if I can remember all these picture's stories.

As we were driving down Main Street of Fredericksburg?  We saw Cassie Carman had opened her own real estate company under here maiden name.

Today was a history filled day.  We visited the LBJ State Park and Historic Site.  The park is free and the house tour was $3.00 per.

The Johnson family had bought several of the ranches around the original acres.  The Sauer Beckmann farm was an authentic farm in operation.  Kids would love the real life.

Love this picture!

Please note the garden.  It had large heads of lettuce and broccoli and cool weather veggies.

Next was the Trinity Lutheran Church.

Johnson school house.

Entering the ranch.

Family cemetery where the Johnson are buried.

Two large stones are LBJ and Ladybird.

LBJ birthplace home.

Grandparents' ranch home.

LBJ private jet.  Had his own air strip.

Next, he had his own Show Barn.  The cow operation details were impressive.

Now we have arrived at the home and its surrounding buildings.  An aircraft hanger, FBI housing, several out buildings.  It reminded me of Elvis's home.  I've seen homes decorated nicer than this.  But they did go back to the 60's and 70's with the original decor.  The kitchen was yellow and pee green.  He had 17 land lands installed.  Several rooms included matching TVs.  He always had the three major networks playing.  All his recliners had the US Whitehouse emblem on them.  He even had a recliner at the dining room table with a landline phone attached to the table much to Ladybird's dismay.  No photos were allowed in the house and instuctions were made not to touch the furniture.  A small boy fell off balance and fell into the roped off area in the office.  There were four desks in the office for LBJ and his staff.  It was decorated in leather teal furniture which is returning back in style.

The is the jet that the government assigned to him.  He spent a lot of time at the ranch holding meetings in his office and on the front lawn.  He was second to Roosevelt in passing legislation.

This is the back of the house.  His office ran all the way across this addition.

This tree had a name.  Tree experts guess it is around 500 years old.

River that runs in front of the house.  Their bedroom were facing this with remotes for the drapes that would open for their morning view.

When the White House was being remodeled, he brought one of the bricks and had it added to the foundation of his office wall.  This is how the home was named "Texas White House".

Swimming pool.  He had a phone on a 25 foot extension and added to a flotation device so that he was always near communication.  He sure would have loved a cell phone.  Lady Bird loved to swim so much they added an indoor poor inside the white building to the left.

This is the Fiafaria that Lucy was given on her 18th birthday.  After she married and became pregnant within that year, LBJ took the car and gave it to his secretary's son on his 18th birthday,

 Back of the home.  LBJ bough the original home which consisted of the enter room from his aunt.

Front of the home.

Can't beat a picture of the Live Oak and our American flag flying.  This ranch was very peaceful even with all the tourist.  The birds were chirping and the river was running.  God is good.

Gary had to turn around to take a picture of this Winery.  He got a big tickle out of its name.

We accidentally stumbled onto Luckenbach Texas.  I always wanted to go.  Well, we did.  We decided that if it was this busy at 4pm and they were planning on having live music later, it would get way too rowdy for us.  Ha.

They were serving a meal, several people were seated at picnic tables.

This is a picture of a little girl taking a ride on a longhorn in front of the wall.  Too many people in front of her.

Great day for sightseeing........


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