March 12 2014 -- Weatherford TX

Deb informed me that it had been five days since I had posted on the blog.  WELLLLLL, I've just been too busy.  We have been eating, going to church, shopping for a new computer, playing cards, eating, shopping for groceries, getting our hair done, eating, now we are trying to set the new computer for her needs, eating, sleeping.........Gary has been working at the house down by the river with Bob and Robert.  

Gary and I had a little trouble with the time change.  We were suppose to meet Bob and Roberta to go to breakfast and to church.  So I sit the clock up in the bedroom before I went to bed.  We got up on time, went to sit in the car to wait on them.  We waited, waited, and waited.  Gary went to the door and woke their grand daughter that was sleeping on the sofa and told her we were ready and waiting in the car.  We waited more and got cold and watched the red birds......and finally went back to the camper.  We discovered that the clock in the bedroom was smarter than us.  It had added another hour to our clock.  We were up two hours early.

Yesterday Roberta and I went out to check Wal-Marts, Sams, and Office Depot for a computer.  Donna has been checking on line.  We also checked Target hoping that computers were not a large turnover in the inventory.  We were looking for Windows 7 on a new computer.  We ended up going to Best Buy and buying an All-in-One Computer with Windows 8.1.  Hopefully that was a good decision for her.  It was easy to put together.  Now when she gets home for work and a dental appointment, we will start moving her document into the new computer.  (I did download a Windows 8.1 for Dummies on my Nook.)

On the way to the stores, we stopped at the Pythian Home.  This is an old mansion that used to house a large number of homeless children that was taught to raise their own vegetables, can them, clean, etc.  There is also a cattle farm.  Of course, our lovely government thought this was child labor and these children were not allowed to work on the farm anymore.  It used to be self-maintained financially, but now depends on monetary donations.  Our sorry world!  No wonder our children our bored an get into drugs, crime, etc.  Bob and Roberta's small Sunday school class helps to support this cause.

The next picture is going up the drive to the mansion.  It rents the ball room to organizations for meetings and dinners.

Closer view of the front.  Amazing what we have learned travelling through this great country of America.  

We are doing well and enjoying spending time with our friends.  We also are excited about returning to Kansas and Missouri to family and friends.


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