February 24 2014 -- North to Tallahassee FL
Because of the forecast for bad weather, we postponed our time to leave until Monday, February 24. The weather remained calm until yesterday. I was watching TV and Gary had gone into town to hang out at Harbor Freight! Men? I noticed that it was getting dark and there were a few sprinkles on the windows. Shortly, a police car went through the park with his lights blinking. I guess this is the way of warning the campgrounds that high winds are expected. I turned the TV to the local channel and was informed that high winds, hail, and severe storms were coming our way. Gary called to ask if I knew of the storms and to inform me that if they got bad to go to the bathroom. (the cement block one) The storms passed over us but headed straight to Daytona Beach to interrupt the race. Our campground was only 40+ miles west of the track.
So, now we had three days with no plans. We went out to breakfast and on the way home, I told Gary we really should stop and buy some fresh Florida fruit. It is good; but about four times higher than the grocery store. They also had Amish Jams from Indiana for $7 a jar.
This morning around 8am I hear, Dear it is time to get up. Ugh. Not on my schedule. I rise somewhere between 9-11am. But I got up, freshened up, and packed up the inside and down the road we went. Oh, news update, I ordered a $9.00 memory card for our GPS, it came and now I have the maps updated. Saved ourselves the cost of a new system.
For you race car fans, the highway was very colorful this morning. We saw several of the semis from yesterday. This picture is of three, Dollar General, Mastercraft, and 3M. I only got the tail of the 3M.
This one is of Racing Electronics?
We arrived at the Torreya State Park, found a spot and was settling for a couple of nights. We even managed to get a satellite signal from a tiny spot in the trees. So, I am watch the KU vs Oklahoma basketball game. Did anyone else see the Silver Lake tribute to Ron Kueger?
We lit a campfire for the first time since we have been gone. Here comes the weather, rain most of the day on Wednesday. We decided we didn't want to drive in the rain, so we are staying here one night and heading to an area close to Mobile, Alabama.
I did manage to a new feat in life. I burnt a pizza so bad the other night that we could NOT eat it. The oven in the camper runs HOT. I believe the pizza was smoking like it was going to start flaming when we took it out of the oven. Gary says he can't stand to go by the oven because the smell is strong. So, after being married for 40+ years, this was the worse meal I have tried to serve. Check.