Sunday--December 9, 2012--Still Waiting

This morning was pretty tough.  I got up around 6am and made coffee.  Gary and Prissy got up later.  For some reason sadness was on my shoulders today.  Later I made french toast, took a shower, and got ready to go to Chaney's dance recital.  It was a nice program.  It went smoothly and quickly.  Calvin, Gary, and I went to KFC and got two buckets of chicken and the goodies to go with them.

We had dinner with Dana and the kids.  Brad had gone to work.  Chaney read her sight words to us over her microphone.

Back home to wait one more night for the appointment tomorrow morning.  I'm anxious to know what stage, what treatment they recommend, and WHEN can I get this growing "killer" out of my body.  When can the surgery be done (sooner the better)?

Rob called while we are the program.  They had gotten an offer and their house and was probably going to take the bid.


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