March 3, 2012--Kings Ranch and Corpus Christi

We meet our friends at 8:30am for breakfast and headed out to the Kings Ranch for a tour.
 One of the first things we saw was a herd of their famous quarter horses.  If you were lucky enough to buy one of these that were trained by the King cowboys it would cost you $25,000.  If you got a two-year old that did not make the cut, then these are sold for $5,000.
 The King Ranch prides itself of care of wildlife plus their purebreds.
 One of the top stud at rest.  They only have quarter horses.  In 1946 the Ranch had the only Triple Crown winner and the only quarter horse to ever have this title.
 The Ranch contracts their own excavation crew for $1.3 Million per year.  They are currently replacing their fence at $15,000 per mile with King Wire with two special crimps to allow for heat and cold.  They put cedar post cut on the correct sign of the moon for additional wear.  Metal post were put every other section to hold the fence in case of wildfire.
 These are pictures of some of original clearing equipment.

 This is only a small part of the many cows that they special bread.  Every pasture contains a part of this herd at it's stage and classification.

My favorite part was the original homestead and building.  We are coming up the drive and the white building was called the commissary.  Supplies for the families that lived and worked on this ranch were kept here. 
 This is the carriage house that Mrs. King had built.  She used the Alamo as an example for the architectural structure.
 Side view of the carriage house..


Main House, Front Porch on Left.

Side View

Side Entrance

 The kitchen was built in the back and was separate from the main house.  They did this in case of a kitchen fire spreading into the home.  But, the home caught fire and had to be rebuilt.

Original Wooden Barn (Only wooden structure on the Ranch-Fire Hazard)

Carriage House

Three Additional Homes Used for Guest Overload

Birthday Boy in Downtown Kingsville Store

 Had to have a break at an old fashioned Soda Fountain in a Drug Store.  Root Beer Float!
 Robert had had too much fun or too much Carmans.
Replica of the Nita used by Columbus

Gabby, Debbie, Ruddy, Gary  

Grandma Roberta and Gabby
Day is gone, home to bed..........we had a wonderful two days........


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