Days 65 and 66; July 1 and 2 - Rest for the Weary

Driver decided he wanted to see something other than the repair shops.  We headed out to who knows where and ended up at the entry of the army base.  We had to turn around.  We knew what they looked like too.  Just before that we had passed a police person that had a pickup pulled over.  Driver proceeded to run the stop sign!!!!  HELP!!!!  Luckily we were around the corner and blocked by trees.

 This old grain business was located close to Karen's Repair Shop, we went back to take a picture.  Either that or the Garmin thought we probably should be there again.
 On Saturdays there is a huge Farmers' Market downtown.  My little Eskimo decided to go for a ride while I was in the Johnny-on-the-Spot.  This was the original sled that won the coldest race on record.
 More pictures of the vendors.  I bet there were 100 tents set up.  Tried to find something for the grandkids; found a flute made out of shells or horns or something; but figured the parents would tell the Canadian border not to let us back in if we sent them.  Still looking.....maybe we will find something on the whale hunt.  Calvin looks forward to those packages.

July 2--this is the day of my mom's accident.  Can't pass the day without remembering her. 


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