January 22 2014 -- Days at Moore Haven Florida

Monday we took Hwy 27 south to Moore Haven.  We are staying in a large RV park that has over 200 spaces, two club houses, two ponds with two alligators and some otters, it is the typical Snow Bird nest.  They have organized activities for the guests.

We followed this load of oranges and saw several trucks in the other lanes.

We arrived in orange country.  Acre after acre of orange trees.

Now the farm boy really got excited when we found sugar can harvest.

We went to town today to get PVC pipe to build a drying rack for laundry.  We (I) had been looking around and most of the campers had PV pipe racks hanging from their ladders.  So, I Googled DIY laundry racks, found the pattern, revised the pattern and headed to town.  The is a view of the entry to the park we have stayed in for three nights.  I think we are paying around $18 per night.  I will have to check with Gary.
M RV Resort; Moore Haven, FL
He did get the rack finished but had a booboo.  He drilled a hole in the palm of his hand.  It didn't go all the way through.  He won't go to the doctor.  Why did he drill into his hand?  He didn't think the drill would go through the pipe that quickly!  It seems to be hurting a lot.  And he tells me that he can still make a fist if I get too mouthy.


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